What Is Active Learning? Characteristics, Strategies, Benefits, Challenges of Active Learning

The traditional method of teaching, where students sit and listen to lectures, is gradually being replaced by more student-centered approaches that actively engage learners. One of these methods is active learning, which has been shown to be effective in promoting deeper understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. This article will provide an overview of active learning, including its definition, characteristics, strategies, benefits, and challenges.

Definition of Active Learning

Active learning is an instructional approach that actively involves students in the learning process. It requires students to take an active role in their learning, rather than passively receiving information from the teacher. Active learning can take many forms, such as group discussions, problem-solving activities, and hands-on experiments.

10 Characteristics of Active Learning

  1. Focuses on the Learner: Active learning is learner-centered, focusing on the needs and interests of the student.
  2. Encourages Collaboration: Active learning encourages collaboration among students, promoting teamwork and social skills.
  3. Promotes Critical Thinking: Active learning promotes critical thinking by encouraging students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.
  4. Emphasizes Application: Active learning emphasizes the application of knowledge, encouraging students to apply what they have learned to real-world situations.
  5. Incorporates Feedback: Active learning incorporates feedback from both instructors and peers, allowing students to improve their performance and learning outcomes.
  6. Encourages Creativity: Active learning encourages creativity by allowing students to express their ideas and perspectives in unique ways.
  7. Develops Responsibility: Active learning encourages students to take responsibility for their learning, leading to increased independence and self-motivation.
  8. Develops Communication Skills: Active learning promotes communication skills by encouraging students to articulate their thoughts and ideas to others.
  9. Encourages Lifelong Learning: Active learning instills a love for learning and encourages students to continue learning throughout their lives.
  10. Improves Academic Performance: Active learning has been shown to improve academic performance by promoting deeper understanding and retention of information.


There are several strategies that can be used to implement active learning in the classroom. These include:

  1. Group Discussions: Students engage in discussions, sharing their ideas and perspectives with others.
  2. Problem-Solving Activities: Students work together to solve problems and find solutions.
  3. Case Studies: Students analyze real-world scenarios and develop solutions based on their understanding.
  4. Role-Playing: Students take on different roles and act out scenarios to deepen their understanding.
  5. Peer Teaching: Students teach each other, promoting knowledge sharing and deeper understanding.
  6. Debate: Students engage in structured debates, encouraging critical thinking and communication skills.
  7. Flipped Classroom: Students learn new concepts before class and apply them during class.
  8. Games: Students play games that promote learning, making the process more fun and engaging.
  9. Simulations: Students engage in simulated activities, such as virtual labs, to deepen their understanding.
  10. Service Learning: Students engage in community service activities that promote learning and personal growth.

10 Benefits of Active Learning

  1. Promotes Deeper Understanding: Active learning promotes deeper understanding and retention of information.
  2. Encourages Critical Thinking: Active learning encourages critical thinking skills, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
  3. Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: Active learning enhances problem-solving skills, leading to more effective and efficient solutions.
  4. Develops Teamwork: Active learning promotes teamwork and collaboration skills, which are essential in the workplace.
  5. Encourages Creativity: Active learning encourages creativity, leading to innovative solutions and ideas.
  6. Fosters Motivation: Active learning fosters motivation by making learning more engaging and fun.
  7. Promotes Personal Growth: Active learning promotes personal growth by encouraging students to take responsibility for their learning and develop independence.
  8. Improves Communication Skills: Active learning improves communication skills by encouraging students to articulate their thoughts and ideas to others.
  9. Enhances Retention: Active learning enhances retention of information by allowing students to apply what they have learned to real-world situations.
  10. Prepares for the Workplace: Active learning prepares students for the workplace by developing skills that are highly valued by employers.

10 Challenges of Active Learning

  1. Requires Preparation: Active learning requires more preparation time for teachers, who must design activities that promote engagement and learning.
  2. Requires Adaptability: Active learning requires teachers to be adaptable, as the activities must be adjusted based on student needs and interests.
  3. Difficult to Assess: Active learning can be difficult to assess, as traditional assessment methods may not capture the full range of skills and knowledge being developed.
  4. Requires Active Participation: Active learning requires students to actively participate, which may be challenging for some students who prefer passive learning.
  5. Potential for Unequal Participation: Active learning may lead to unequal participation, with some students dominating discussions and activities.
  6. Potential for Distraction: Active learning may lead to distraction, with some students becoming too focused on socializing or unrelated tasks.
  7. Requires Classroom Management: Active learning requires classroom management skills, as the teacher must ensure that all students are on task and engaged.
  8. Potential for Misunderstandings: Active learning may lead to misunderstandings, as students may have different interpretations of the material being covered.
  9. Requires Resources: Active learning requires resources, such as technology and materials, which may not be available in all classrooms.
  10. Requires Training: Active learning requires training for both teachers and students, as it may be a new approach for some.


Active learning is an effective instructional approach that promotes deeper understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. It requires students to take an active role in their learning, rather than passively receiving information from the teacher. While there are some challenges associated with active learning, the benefits far outweigh them. Teachers can use a variety of strategies to implement active learning in their classrooms, and students can benefit from a more engaging and enjoyable learning experience.


  • Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415.
  • Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 223-231.
  • Silberman, M. L. (1996). Active learning: 101 strategies to teach any subject. Prentice Hall.
  • Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. ASCD.

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