Sex Education in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities

Sex education is a critical aspect of education that aims to impart information on sexual anatomy, reproductive health, contraception, and sexual behavior to young people. In Bangladesh, like in many other countries, sex education remains a taboo subject, with many people feeling uncomfortable discussing it in public. However, with the increase in cases of teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse, and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), it is imperative that comprehensive sex education be incorporated into the school curriculum in Bangladesh. This article aims to explore the current status of sex education in Bangladesh and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The State of Sex Education in Bangladesh

Sex education in Bangladesh is not included in the formal school curriculum. Most students are taught about sexual health and reproductive organs as part of the biology curriculum, but this is often limited to basic anatomy and does not cover important topics such as contraception and healthy sexual practices. There are some NGOs that offer sexual education programs, but they are not widely available and are often limited in scope.

Cultural and Religious Barriers to Sex Education

Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country, and as such, many people believe that discussions around sex should be confined to the home and not discussed publicly. This cultural taboo has made it challenging to implement comprehensive sex education programs in schools. Additionally, there is a lack of understanding of the importance of sex education, which has led to resistance from some parents and educators who feel that sex education could lead to promiscuity and immorality.

The Importance of Comprehensive Sex Education

Comprehensive sex education is critical for young people in Bangladesh as it equips them with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Comprehensive sex education includes information on sexual anatomy, reproductive health, healthy relationships, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections. By providing this information, young people can make informed decisions about their sexual health, which can lead to a reduction in teenage pregnancy and STI rates.

Opportunities for Change in Bangladesh

There is growing recognition in Bangladesh that comprehensive sex education is essential for young people. Some NGOs are working to provide sexual education programs in schools, and there are calls for the government to include sex education in the school curriculum. Additionally, social media campaigns and awareness programs are helping to break down cultural barriers and highlight the importance of sex education.


Sex education remains a controversial subject in Bangladesh, but there is a growing recognition of its importance. Comprehensive sex education is critical for equipping young people with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Despite cultural and religious barriers, there are opportunities for change in Bangladesh, and efforts are underway to make sex education more widely available. As the country continues to develop, it is essential that comprehensive sex education is given the attention it deserves, and young people are empowered to make informed decisions about their sexual health.


Mahmud, S., & Islam, F. (2020). Sexual education in Bangladesh: An analysis of policy, practice and challenges. Reproductive Health Matters, 28(56), 98-110

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